$RRD DD by u/hansalvato

This DD was created on the subreddit /r/pennystocks

If you’ve seen recent RRD DD posted, you’ll know that RRD has a pattern where moons to a ridiculous point every month and a half or so recently. In this post I will detail technical aspects of why I believe this to be a good play, as well as some recent news. This is not a long hold, this is a get in, get the bag, and GET OUT.

First things first:

Some Technical Shit

There seems to be a trend with RRD, mid marchend of april, and early june, all saw soaring highs, almost up to 2$. This chart courtesy of tradingview user Thunder Trading, we see we’re about due very soon for what seems to be a similar pattern once we bounce off of our support level here , or come near it, because it possibly has raised a bit with the earnings coming so imminently and the following news.

r/pennystocks - $RRD DD, Next moves imminent.

You can fit a lot of rocket emojis here I imagine

I dug a little further after watching this stock for a bit, I noticed something in the charts that had started to form in the past few days.

It is our good friend, the Cup and Handle:

r/pennystocks - $RRD DD, Next moves imminent.

A cup of fucking money. Lambo cup. Maserati cup.

Go see for yourself, starting July 9th, this has been in formation, we even touch the resistance here, and get right back to fighting at the handle, and ended at where I personally had set a PT to concoct some major moves: 1.24$. Now I know After hours it went down a couple pennies, this is because of low volume profit taking, see for yourself how many orders came through, not much at all wanting to sell, because who would wanna sell right now?

Some COVID News

And then this morning( https://investor.rrd.com/news/news-details/2020/RRD-Builds-on-Long-Standing-Supply-Chain-Experience-to-Provide-Rapidly-Mobilized-Diagnostic-Test-Kit-Production-Solution/default.aspx ) we heard news of them making a COVID play by helping in creating a means for at-home self diagnostic kits efficiency of distribution to be increased, this is obviously a great way to enter with the current state of pandemic in the US. Not just some hopeful covid lab test trials, this is solid, maybe not the same 200% potential as the others, but this also doesn’t have to go through the FDA or trials. This helped it move this morning into where it needs to get for our moon landing, to supply our technicals with a little juice to speed up our run up to ER.

In Conclusion:

We’re ripe for the next sickening pump on RRD. My guy went green on a red day. I’m recommending shares as the options volume is quite low. I have good hopes for tomorrow, but if not, we have a whole weekend to charge the moonshot. You know what to do. 🚀 🚀 🚀

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$RRD DD by u/hansalvato
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